Member's day started as early as 7am and ends at midnight. This is my first time shopping there. All I can say is that, the crowd is massive! It is worst than on weekends or school holiday or even public holiday.
This is the crowd at 8am. 8am!! What time did I get there? I shall be mum about that, haha. This photo is taken at the bedding department. If you think this department is packed, wait till you go to the ladies' department. Women digging, hurling and snatching undergarments! This is the best way to learn a woman's manners, haha.
Apart from that, I saw people holding onto 2-piled up trolleys, people yelling that she grabbed hold on the item first and not her, kids running around when their moms hunting items, men standing next to their partner yawning, people accidentally shattered lovely Bohemia crystals and much more.
I had my fair share too. I bought these from Jusco: (3) bedsheet sets, (2) pillow, bolster, quilt, mattress protector, (3) sets of hanger, photo album and bridemaids' gifts. It would have costs me easily more than RM2000. But everything was 50%-70% off that day. You can actually count how much I saved.
Now, all I need is to find a place to store my loots ;P
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