Thursday, 11 September 2008

Series are back!

YES! The popular series are finally back after months of disappearing. Shows like Heroes, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dexter and more are slowly making their way back to prime time. These few months have been hollow without these hit series. Thankfully, I have AXN to fill me up. I watched shows like House, Las Vegas and even CSIs.

The first show (that I watch) to return is Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Season 1 was really impressive but sadly it ended at the 9th episode. No worries, the comeback is even better! The writers really did a helluva job! By the way, the main cast are getting hotter too :P Thomas Dekker is a lil more mature now. Lena Headey (of 300) is still as gorgeous. Hurry up, there's still time to catch up to this highly anticipated new series.

Next up on the list is Heroes! It will return with Volume Three: Villains later this month. In this season, more villains will be revealed, aka excitements! In the previous season, it ended with Adam being buried in a casket, Niki was trapped in a burning, then exploded building and Nathan was shot when delivering a speech. Wonder who made it and who didn't. Can't wait to find out ;)

Dexter too is returning this month, right after Heroes. Dexter, Dexter, Dexter... He's a serial killer who works for Miami Metro as a blood spatter analyst. He was actually trained by his foster-police dad to be a skillful killer. And his life motto is: Don't Get Caught! Although when his colleague did find out that he was a serial killer, he wasn't apprehended too. Why? Because that colleague of his, was murdered! Anyway, this series contains soft .. err, light obscene clips that MAY offend some viewers :P You know how the usual killing spree scenes are like right? It can be really bloody :P

The last show (that I watch) will be shown next year! Awwww... It's like I can't even recall how the season finale ended, haha. And then I have to wait till next January for the next season. By then, I've forgotten 7788 of the series. But I'm sure I'll still remember the main cast :P

Oh well, guess I gotta be satisfied with these 3 shows at the time being.

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