Saturday 5 July 2008

Pre-wedding photos!

It's the day for Gan and I view and choose our pre-wedding photos! I was so excited in the morning with all sorts of questions playing in my head. How would the photos turn our like? Will I look fat? Is Gan smiling alright? How much extra we're going to fork out? The questions are just endless.

Boey and Darren greeted us as we walked in. We were seated and told to view the unprocessed, raw photos. There are 175 stills altogether. By looking at the photos, we recalled back the day of the photoshoots. Though we were worn out by the end of the day, it was all worth it. The questions that were bothering me earlier, is no longer an issue. The photos were amazing! It was really wonderful to be blessed with love, health and happiness. And each and every photo shows that.

Then Darren told us to choose 28 photos out of the 175. We had a tough time selecting. That left us no choice but to upgrade our package. We can then choose up to 58 photos to be fitted into a 12' by 15' album.

Now all I gotta do is wait until the 23rd to collect my CDR of selected, unprocessed, raw stills of the pre-wedding shoots. I can't wait to share with my parents, relatives and my babes :D


Anonymous said...

YAY! Can't wait to see the pictures =D

CarolineL said...

Me too, hehe...